The process of history also helps us learn lessons from the past to help us in the future and present. The journal also accepts articles that explore how more concrete environments like museums and the industry that deal with heritage are able to engage with current discussions in the field of cultural studies. It helps us avoid repeating the mistakes that caused a variety of man-made catastrophes and catastrophes such as conflicts (in in the past). Editors , Editorial Board and the like. The past teaches us how to avoid the negative things that caused social problems and instead focus on the actions that promote peace, harmony, and prosperity. Editor-in-Chief. Ashoka (the King of the ancient Patliputra) In the Rock Edict XII, insisted on the following steps and practices to ensure peace, harmony and prosperity within the community – Christopher E. Promoting the common ground, or the root of all religions.

Forth, University of Kansas, USA. The cultivation of the feeling of oneness among all religions through Vachaguti, or the restraining from criticism against other faiths or sects. General Editors. The gathering ( Samavaya ) of people who practice various religions in religious gatherings. Howard Chiang, University of California, Davis, USA Damien Kempf, University of Liverpool, UK Raita Merivirta University of Turku Finland Kevin A. Studying the scriptures of other religions in order to be bahusruta, or proficient in the holy scriptures of various religions.

Morrison, Henan University, China Steven Schouten, Utrecht University, along with University of Amsterdam, Netherlands Andy Willimott, Queen Mary University of London, UK. The purpose of studying history. Review Editors. The study of the past doesn’t mean one is living within the present, but rather one is taught to live in the past. Lik Hang Tsui, City University of Hong Kong Nikolaos Papadogiannis, University of St Andrews, UK. The past gives a community or nation a sense of identity. A Advisory Board.

It’s not something we can deny. Catherine Belsey, University of Swansea, UK Peter Burke, University of Cambridge, UK Robert Darnton, Harvard University, USA Anne Eriksen, University of Oslo, Norway Natalie Zemon Davis, Princeton University, USA, and University of Toronto, Canada Carlo Ginzburg, University of Pisa, Italy Harvey Green, Northeastern University, USA Karen Halttunen, University of Southern California, USA Lynn Hunt, University of California, Los Angeles, USA Patrick Hutton, University of Vermont, USA Ludmilla Jordanova, King’s College, London, UK Jonas Liliequist, Umea University, Sweden Philippe Poirrier, Universite de Bourgogne, France Roland Robertson, University of Aberdeen, UK Miri Rubin, Queen Mary, London, UK Deborah Simonton, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark Michael Spiller, University of Aberdeen, UK Keijo Virtanen University of Turku Finland. Voltaire (a famous stateman and intellectual from France) believed the idea that India is the birthplace of all civilizations in the world and home for religion at its earliest and most pure form.

Korea University Department of Korean History. Voltaire also wrote "In short , I am convinced that everything – astronomy metaphysics, astrology, etc. is a result of the banks of Ganges" . HOKA 033 TOPIC COURSE Introduction current issues of research in Korean history HOKA 004 INTRODUCTION to KOREAN and East Asian History Studying Korean in the context of East Asian history in world historical context. Pierre de Sonnerate , a French naturalist and explorer, was of the opinion that knowledge comes from India as the birthplace of civilizations. HOKA 101 FIELDWORK in historic sites Fieldwork Korean artifacts and remains is essential to the complete understanding of Korean history and cultural heritage. Immanuel Kant (a famous philosopher from Germany) acknowledged the importance of the ancient Indian civilization and culture. HOKA 313 INTRODUCTION to Korean HISTORY The course will give you an introduction to the basics of Korean history. He recognized that Indian religions were devoid of rigidity and intolerant.

The students will study not only the features associated with Korean traditional times but also the major results and other issues that arise from research on Korean history. Immanuel Kant wrote (about India), "Their religion is pure and holy . (and) you can see evidence of pure conception of God that cannot be found in other places" . Introduction to Korean history 2 This course gives the fundamental knowledge necessary for a major in Korean history. The students will study not only the features of Korean time but also the major results and other issues that arise from research on Korean history. Learning History is a waste of time.

The origins of KOREAN CULTURE Latest research on the roots of Korean culture and the emergence of the ancient Korean states. The study of history is a waste of time since it keeps us from being focused on the issues of the present. HOKA212 THE HISTORY OF THREE Kingdoms and the North-South Kingdoms Up-to-date research on the historical background of the Three Kingdoms and the North-South Kingdoms as well as their culture accomplishments. We live in the moment.

Historical overview of the early Koryo Period A thorough study of the history, politics economics, society, and the cultural aspects of the Koryo Kingdom, starting with the time of the Military Coup. They think about and plan over the coming years. HOKA214 THE HISTORY OF THE END-OF-THE Koryo Period A thorough examination of the economics, politics, society and culture of Koryo Kingdom, from the time of the Military Coup to its downfall. However, history can be described as the research of past events.

Historical overview of the early JOSEON PERIOD An extensive study of the historical events in the Joseon Dynasty from its establishment through the close at the end of 16th century, with regard to the economy, politics as well as culture, society, and politics. With all the demands that are imposed by living in the present and anticipating what’s coming The speaker concludes that studying the past is ineffective since it takes us away from the current issues. HOKA216 THE HISTORY OF THE END-OF-THE JOSEON PERIOD An extensive study of the historical events in the Joseon Dynasty from the beginning of the 17th century through the opening of ports on 1876. But, I don’t support this view since history is vital for cheap us as individuals and in our society. Hoka217 MODERN HISTORY OF KOREA The course examines the last few period in the Joseon Dynasty from opening of the ports in 1876 , to their Japanese Annexation in 1910, with a focus on founding of Korea as well as reform movements and the ferocious struggle against the imperialistic powers.

First of all it helps us to comprehend societies and people. Hoka219 CONTEMPORARY HISTORY OF KOREAI This course will explore the evolution and characteristics of Korean historical period during the Japanese colonial era(1910~1945) which includes national movements, popular movement, colonial policies trends of intellectuals, everyday lives and culture. It is a repository of details about how individuals and societies operate. A HOKA220 CONTEMPORARY HISTORY OF KOREAI This course focuses on the present-day history of Korea following the declaration of independence in 1945. Understanding the behavior of individuals and societies is a challenge even though many disciplines attempt to do so. It focuses on to national movements, unification, and the democratization movement. A sole reliance on the current information would unnecessarily hinder our efforts.

Hoka221 SELECTIVE READING MODERN and CONTEMPORARY KOREAN documents of historical significance Selective reading from important historical sources dating from through the final Joseon period through the present in Korea. What can we do to evaluate war when the country is peaceful, unless we use the historical data? Hoka222 SELECTIVE READING IN ancient and medieval KOREAN HISTORICAL Documents.

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