
Course Content

what do you need?

Course Content

The main course content is delivered and assessed through five units. The work for Units 1, 2, 3 and 5 is marked by your internal course tutors and moderated or sampled and checked by a member of the Trinity moderators panel at the end of every course. The moderator externally assesses the work for Unit 4. The units are: 

Unit 1 : Teaching skills, assessed through:

tutors’ evaluation of six hours of teaching with real learners. a journal including trainees’ own lesson plans, with self- and tutor-evaluation. a journal covering trainees’ reflective comments following observation of four hours of ESOL teaching by experienced teachers.

Unit 2 : Language awareness including grammar and phonology, assessed through:

a test or practical project. ongoing use of spoken and written English.

Unit 3 : Learner profile, assessed through:

the preparation of a simple linguistic profile and needs analysis, including some basic phonemic transcription, of a single learner. the planning of, and reflection on, a one-to-one lesson. the preparation of recommendations for the learner’s future language development.

Unit 4 : Materials assignment, assessed through:

written rationale for the development of one piece of teaching material. interview with a Trinity moderator to discuss the above and the ways in which materials development is beneficial to the development of teaching skills.

Unit 5 : Unknown language, assessed through:

a journal covering trainees’ reflective comments on four hours’ tuition in an unknown language from the point of view of the beginner, including an analysis of the key aspects of methods and classroom management that affect the learner positively and negatively.

Fully Sylabus

Professional awareness and development are ongoing themes. Successful trainees must demonstrate an awareness of the needs of other colleagues in the team, teaching and non-teaching, and the value of mutual support in the teaching, learning and training environment. They must also demonstrate an awareness of the need for professional development during and after the course, based on a constructive response to training input and feedback from tutors and peers. 

Please click here to download the full syllabus.